IES Announces FY 2024 Research Grant Competitions (Due: 9/21/23)
Posted: 8/18/2023 (Funding)
The National Center for Education Research and the National Center for Special Education Research released funding announcements for three fiscal year 2024 grant competitions.
- Application packages became available on July 20, 2023.
- Letters of intent (optional but encouraged) are due August 10, 2023.
- The application deadline is September 21, 2023.
Education Research Grants (84.305A): This program seeks to expand the understanding of education programs, practices, and policies in the United States and how they are related to education outcomes for learners at all levels, including early childhood, elementary, secondary, postsecondary, and adult education. This program seeks to build high-quality evidence about what works for whom, in what context, and why. Grants support the development and validation of measurement tools, exploratory research, the development and pilot testing of new interventions, and impact studies to evaluate programs, practices, and policies. This research program invites applications across a wide range of substantive topic areas.
Special Education Research Grants (84.324A): This program seeks to expand the knowledge base and understanding of learners with or at risk for disabilities from infancy through postsecondary education. Grants support the development and validation of measurement tools, exploratory research, the development and pilot testing of new interventions, and impact studies to evaluate programs, practices, and policies. This research program invites applications across a wide range of substantive topic areas.
Research Training Programs in Special Education (84.324B): These training programs seek to prepare individuals to conduct rigorous and relevant special education and early intervention research that advances knowledge within the field and addresses issues important to education policymakers and practitioners. For FY 2024, there is one training program in special education—early career development and mentoring.
More information about the IES research programs, application process, and deadlines are available on the IES Funding Opportunities web page. IES may announce additional competitions later in 2023.
Deadline: 09/21/2023